We think everyone can agree that there has been much hype and an overwhelming rush towards retail surrounding CBD and hemp over the last few years. It hit the market and, bam, stores were opening up everywhere. Even so, it has been impossible for professionals, retailers and consumers to feel completely comfortable stepping into the purchasing arena because there have been a lack of standards by which safe, quality products could be measured.
The absence of regulation produced a lot of confusion. We are extremely pleased to say that all of that has changed and we’re so proud to announce …
INCCert was formed by industry leaders and authorities with a singular goal in mind: to create a much-needed, global certification for sustainable growth within the hemp industry. Without such standards in place during the rise of hemp sales over the last several years, both business owners and consumers alike have been kept on the sidelines - understanding that CBD and hemp products are something they would like to purchase, but not knowing enough about the safety practices and procedures of the industry to have much of a buy in.
INCCert knew that standardization was key for stabilizing the supply chain for industrial hemp and hemp-derived cannabinoids and molecules. Through the formation of the INCCert Hemp Standardization Program — and in collaboration with Control Union - they have now developed and launched a suite of standards that can guarantee:
Control Union’s input has been deeply rooted in world agriculture endevors for more than a century. They have partnered with both private companies and government agencies to to develop standards and services related to the sustainability of industry supply chains, affecting the food, feed, forestry, biomass, bioenergy, social compliance and textile markets
Their reputation precedes them with a portfolio made up of undeniably impactful brands such as: Coca-Cola, PepsiCo., Proctor&Gamble, Unilever, Cargill and Conagra, just to name a few. Their teams consist of 5,000+ industry experts including agri-specialists, sustainability experts, hygiene experts, manufacturing experts - and the list goes on. Every day, these teams are responsible for more than $2.5 billion in commodity inspections, globally.
It goes without saying that having Control Union’s involvement with the creation of a standard for hemp is a true victory for those of us who have wanted a measurable certification to promote a culture of confidence amongst buyers and users of hemp-derived products.
This standard is the first international industrial hemp certification program that covers the full supply chain from seed genetics to retail products. This transactional certificate will trace the overall chain of custody, thus empowering buyers with the knowledge that they can purchase and use with peace of mind. All of the products you would purchase from VANC (whether our own, branded VANCquish products or a line that you would want to private-label through us), will come with that certification.